Red Hat Tech Day

2024-06-20 09:00:00

The 20th of June marks two occasions: the start of summer and Tech Day, back as a full-day live event in the Netherlands! Throughout this day, not only will you hear the latest open source technology news from our industry experts. We will also provide you with lots of opportunities to explore Red Hat technologies yourself during our live demos and hands-on workshop sessions. Here's all the reasons you don't want to miss this:

  • be the first one to deep dive into all the latest technology updates as presented and released during Red Hat Summit 2024 in Denver.
  • learn all about how to impact your platform strategy by using AI & Edge technology in your day-to-day business. 
  • discover how you can build security into your software development life cycle from the start.
  • experience Red Hat® OpenShift® and Red Hat® Ansible® Platform yourself, during workshops such as OpenShift AI, Virtualization and Ansible dev spaces on OCP. 

Tech Day is open for our customers and partners to join, and is especially interesting for experts with a need for (deep) technical inspiration and insights. We will highlight new releases and focus on the practical and applicable aspects of open source & cloud-native technologies. Register now & save your seat!

Visit the official event page
Start event:
2024-06-20 09:00:00
End event:
2024-06-20 18:30:00
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